The Accessories Project Book 1 – The Crochet Project

A collection of four accessory sets by Joanne Scrace and Kat Goldin of The Crochet Project

What’s better than a nice handmade hat? A handmade hat with matching bits to keep your hands and neck warm too! 

This lovely book has four accessory sets to crochet for fab mix and matching warm wears. Hats, Mittens and Shawls are just a few of the projects. The designs are all stand alone pieces but all mix so well together, whatever your style you could wear one or all!

Each set is based around a simple pattern that is used in each piece of the set. 
Included is a wealth of interesting techniques and constructions (from sideways short rows, to cables to picot lace) in this book to create some really lovely pieces. 


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