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We are welcoming in 2019 by thinking about what we want to achieve in our knitting this coming year. One of the things we love about knitting is that there is always something new to learn and the start of a new year is the perfect time to identify some of those skills and set some goals to move towards achieving them.

We thought we’d ask the YAK team exactly what they would like to learn or challenge themselves on this year. So without further ado, here are our knitting resolutions for 2019!

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My resolution is to try and be more project-monogamous – I’ve got too many things on the needles and it can make it seem like everything is going really slowly. Also I think I need to be more decisive when I’m not enjoying a project and not be afraid to rip things out and repurpose the yarn. 

My new year cast on is going to be The Knitorious RBG by Park Williams in honour of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the US Supreme Court judge who has done loads for feminism and human rights and who is currently in hospital. I’ll be knitting it in WYS Croft Colours in Voxter and Sullom.


2019 is going to be the year I make myself an actual garment. I’ve knit mittens, hats and socks for myself and I’ve made cardigans and jumpers for my kids and for friend’s babies but I’ve never taken the plunge and made myself a jumper. I’ve always been slightly nervous that I won’t actually enjoy the jumper once I’ve spent considerable time making it, but I am going to take the plunge and go for it this year. I’ve seen a few patterns I like, but I think it’s either going to be Nordiska by Boyland Knitworks or 3 Days Cardigan by Plystre. I love the use of mohair held double in the cardigan, but the jumper would be the perfect project to improve my colour work and I do love a cropped jumper. Maybe I’ll just have to make them both!


I like making resolutions and I like the feeling a new year brings, the possibilities of a fresh start. My knitting resolutions this year are;

To make better use of Ravelry. Keep track of projects. I did better at adding projects to Ravelry this year than previous but I’d really like to use my Ravelry account to its full potential. My tactic for adding projects will be to take a photo when I cast on. It always annoys me when adding projects and not being able to remember the date I started or finished. I’m sure many of you can relate but often the first question after confirming with a non-knitter, and a lot of the time other knitters is “how long did that take you to knit” and having the data to hand can make for a satisfying answer. So a starting photo, nothing fancy then one at the end. Then my plan is to update the info monthly. Perhaps the 1st of the month, keep that new year feeling going!

The second Ravelry phase will be to add my stash! Something I have never done before. I’m not sure whether I should try and do it all at once or in stages. I have a bigger stash than I think I do so there might be some surprises and I’m quite excited!

For actual knitting I plan on clearing the decks over January and possibly February. I have a few things I would like to get done and off the needles before making more plans. I have plenty of things in my queue which I’m looking forward to casting on. The designers in my top ranking positions haven’t changed from last year and I have plans on making things by Boyland KnitworksWeststrand Sisters and Katrin Schneider again this year.

A proper new goal however is to add more crochet to my repertoire. Coastal Crochet’s crochet Christmas decorations class really inspired me to try more crochet and I have a blanket I’d like to try.

I’ve learned that resolutions are something I’m really bad at sticking to so I decided to tell you about my ‘dream knitting‘ goals instead. There are two projects that I’m really excited to cast on early in 2019. The first is another Caitlin Hunter sweater, Sipila. I’m keen to gather the yarn together (still unsure which yarn exactly) and get this one on the needles ASAP. 

The next is a shawl; Lunae. It’s unlike any shawl I’ve made so far and by a ‘new to me ‘ designer Natasha Hornsby. The rustic yarn and mosaic colour work really appeals to me at the moment, again yarn is to be decided but Jamieson and Smith is a contender.

This year I want to knit myself lots of socks! I knitted my first pair last summer and really enjoyed that I want to make more, because when I wear fun socks it usually makes me feel a lot happier. I also want to learn to knit cable and do some fancy knit patterns that I haven’t done before. 

Although saying that, the next project I’m going to cast on is the Ruperto Scarf by Anna Maltz with The Fibre Co Lore in Calm paired with WYS 100% Jacob in the Brown/Black. I slightly fell in love with it when it came in the shop in September, and it’s so cold at moment that I’m really excited to knit it and wear it. 

Are you making any New Year’s resolutions for your knitting? Let us know, we’d love to hear them!

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