Around the web

Our selection of the best bits from around the web this month…

On the 21st of January, Donald Trump will take office as president of the United States. The same morning, a Women-led March will take place in Washington DC  to protest for the protection of fundamental human rights, the safety and health of our planet and to show support to minorities threatened by the last election. In solidarity to Washington militants, women-led marches have been organised all over the world. Amongst them, the London march will take place on the 21st of January,  starting at 12:00 from Grosvenor Square W1. 

Alongside the women-led marches the Pussyhat Project has been organised in which knitters, crocheters and sewers are invited to create a Pussyhat to be worn by marchers in Washington, the morning of the presidential inauguration. Of course it might be a bit too late now to knit a hat to be sent on time toward the United States, however if you’ve decided to take part to the London march, or know some people who will, why not knit a hat to be worn that day?

Pussyhat project, sam barksy
From left to right ©pussyhat project, sam barksy

Sam Barsky began knitting in 1999 after serious health issues forced him to put his life on hold. Since then he has hand knitted over 100 ‘pictorial sweaters’, jumpers depicting famous touristic sites, landscapes and everyday objects. Part of the process involves having his photo taken in front on the site the jumper displays. In true meta he has even knitted a jumper representing all his jumpers, this is what we can call commitment to the cause. 

Temple of knit, joana vesconselos
From left to right © temple of knit, joana vasconcelos

Simone from the Temple of Knit is starting a study of the traditions and current practices of knitting in Nordic countries. An introduction to her study was posted today, and her first piece of research will be shared on her blog in the next couple of days. 

We love the work of Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos who combines knitting, crochet and textile to create gigantic sculptures and installations. 

Until Next Time… Happy Knitting!

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