Conffetti feature | yak


I’ve spent the last few days in one of my favourite parts of the world with some of my favourite people in the world.  Up in Northumberland, just past Bamburgh two of my old school friends tied the knot.  The weather was phenomenal and it couldn’t have been a more perfect setting for celebrating and catching up with friends.

Wedding | yakI decided quite early on that I wanted to make them something as a wedding present but then of course left it until the last minute to actually get my act together to make it.  The joy of having a knitting machine, or else they would have ended up with something sad like an ironing board.  I decided on something for the house, a knitted pillow case being the most obvious choice.  I kept the design pretty simple, and chose colours that wouldn’t be too lovey dovey as I wanted it to be something they wouldn’t get tired of.

Wedding pillow


Not sure quite how well I did seeing as it has hugs, kisses and hearts all over it haha!

I used Jamieson & Smith 2ly Jumper Weight and used my own pattern.  I don’t have a picture of the back but it is just a really simple overlapping closure.  If I did it again I would add buttons, but I am happy with how it turned out, I really hope they like it and use it for years to come.


Just married | yak

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