Completed sori cardigan

A late summer finish, this is my Sori Cardigan! As soon as I finished my big red cardigan I was quick to cast on again just in case my ability to finish something disappeared again. I knit this mostly through August and early September and as you might imagine the cotton made this the perfect summer project and it’s turned out to be the perfect extra layer in this slightly strange October weather we’ve been having. 

I used Moya Cotton in the Grapefruit colour (I’m not sure how much I agree with the name). I’ve made little bits and bobs in cotton before but never a full garment and I was quite surprised how much I loved working with it. The Moya cotton It is really light, the lightest cotton I have ever come across. I even took it on holiday even though I only had sleeves to go which would normally mean it would be far too heavy to carry travelling. But not this. Light as a feather it was perfect to knit on in the heat.

Moya cotton
Trusty fringe supply co. Field bag

Sori cardigan - wip
The pattern is a Weststrand Sisters pattern. I have made one of their cardigans before and their style and fit is a right up my street. I have more of their designs on my list! I did do the slip pattern slightly differently just out of sheer laziness. I slipped the yarn back around to the front rather than knitting it in. I found it much quicker and although it means there are floats on the back didn’t see any difference to the front. I did change the needle size as I got the gauge on 4.00mm rather than on 3.50mm as the pattern recommended. Really happy with how it turned out, I would definitely recommend it!

Finished sori cardigan
Lightroom edit 3 | yak

Comments (1)

  1. Hi. I love this pattern and it’s the third one that I have knitted for myself and have been learning from my mistakes. This time I had a problem with the top of the sleeves and in the end decided to unpick them as I wasn’t happy with the stitches at the top. I have done wrap and turn before but on the first sleeve I thought it was a little ‘lumpy’. So in the second sleeve I YouTubed how to do wrap and turns invisibly. Again this wasn’t very successful as the gap between the body and sleeve had a quite ‘open’ appearance. So in picking up stitches on the second one again I picked up two bars each time – much neater. Now I have started using German short row -t & w instead of w & t and this is far better. I suppose that if I had followed paragraph 3 on page 8 (item 7) this is how it should have been done but I am not an experienced knitter. Would it not be better to describe this method in paragraph 2. Anyway so far so good but it’s really hard to have to unpick all of the first sleeve.

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