Trove ulysse kate knitting project featured image 3 | yak
Trove kal participants showing off their finished projects

At the end of November last year we celebrated the end of the Trove KAL we hosted. I loved seeing everyone’s finished jumpers, the different colour combinations were brilliant. It’s now March, as you might have noticed, and I’ve just cast off.

My main excuse for not finishing within the time limit was because I went on the trip of a lifetime to Japan at the beginning of November and I didn’t want to lug 5 balls of Ulysse and most of a jumper. I had exactly 1 sleeve to go at the end of November but decided to put it down while I knit other things.

You might have seen on Instagram I just put another jumper on hold, my Vellamo. While I build up the momentum to take the too long sleeves out I decided to pick up my Trove and with renewed energy I finished the last sleeve in just a week.

Kate's trove wip in autumnal colours

I can’t sing high enough praises of the Ulysse. It’s everything you could ask for from a yarn. Its bouncy and light and so soft once its washed. I’ve had the fauve colourway on my mind for a long while and I love how it looks with the quartz, nuit, creme anglais and dore.

Kate's wip knitted to the hem. No arms or neck

I used a 3.75 mm needle, one size bigger than called for in the pattern. My gauge was still smaller than the gauge in the pattern so I cast on a size 4 to achieve a size somewhere between 3 and 4. The finished chest is 47 inches, giving me 11 inches of ease. It’s definitely oversized, which I like. The sleeves are completely straight and then puffed into the rib. I need to get used to this style as it’s not something I’ve worn before. I’m not 100% convinced yet but that hasn’t stopped me wearing it 2 days on the trot since it finished blocking.

Colour close up

Comments (2)

  1. Stunning, so much to learn and made so easy to follow……my anxious question…there is a picture of a white Beanine perched atop of a stock like object…is the pattern available.??????

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