Pattern round up, october 2019, yak, dani sunshine sari nordlund, christina danaee, kelly g, becky baker, bristol ivy

Some amazing patterns in this month Round Up ranging from statement jumpers to cozy winter accessories.

Unity | yak
©   dani sunshine

Starting strong here with the beautiful Unity jumper. Designed by our beloved teacher Dani Sunshine, this statement piece is knitted seamlessly from the top down. For hers Dani used Nuit and Genet from the Gilliatt range.

Lierne | yak
©  amirisu

Our second pattern – Lierne – comes from Amirisu Issue 19 and was designed by Bristol Ivy. We love how the use of brioche pleats the fabric in a 3D origami-like effect. This cowl requires a tight tension for the pleats to hold on. Germantown, Gilliatt or Soft Donegal would all be good matches for that project.

Nili | yak
©  christina danaee

Talking about Germantown meet Nili: a lovely yoked jumper by Christina Danaee. Nili is worked in the round from the top down and features a matching stranded motif around the yoke, cuffs and hem. The colour work is done in corrugated rib – a popular Fair Isle technique which is great to learn how to get a nice even float.

Seacross | yak
©  becky baker

In the same vein we have Seacross by Becky Baker . Here the yoke results from a combination of 5 shades of Lore. Seacross is also knitted seamlessly from the top down.

Sora | yak
©  sari nordlund

Sora is a beautiful raglan top down jumper by Sari Nordlund. The body is worked in plain stockinette while the cuffs, hem and collar are worked in contrasting brioche. The texture of the cuffs really make them look like pieces of jewellery! Sora was designed using a single ply hand-dyed merino yarn. To achieve similar colour effect and texture we would strongly recommend to use the Walk Collection – Cottage Merino.

Fellwalker | yak
©  kelly g.

We’ll conclude this Round Up with the Fellwalker socks by Kelly G. A plain yarn like the Onion Nettle Sock would be perfect to highlight the combination of moss stitch and cable.

Until Next Time… Happy Knitting!

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