Lockdown giveaway, yak

The last year has been tough and we were all hoping for better things in 2021. It’s safe to say entering a third national lockdown on the first week of January was certainly not the way we hoped this year would begin. To make this lockdown a little easier we’ve decided to organise a little giveaway which will hopefully bring a little knitting joy to the next few weeks, keeping you busy until February half term.

Yak giveaway, lockdown giveaway, handmade, knitting

The rules are simple: complete a project during lockdown using a yarn you bought from us, and you could win a £25 gift card!

This giveaway is open internationally, to enter all you need to do is follow us on Instagram and post a photo of a project you’ve completed in lockdown using a yarn you bought from us. Tag us @___yak and use the hashtag #yaklockdowngiveaway.

Yak giveaway, lockdown giveaway, handmade, knitting

Projects can be started prior to this post, but entries must be received by 12pm noon GMT on Friday 19th February, and our lucky winner will be announced via Instagram the next day!

We would love to see your progress with your lockdown projects, so please share your progress and keep us up to date with your creativity by tagging us in your stories, and you may even be featured in our lockdown giveaway highlights reel!

Good luck and until next time … happy knitting!

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